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How We Lost 88 Pounds in 60 Days

Our Weight Loss Transformation Story

By: Weight Loss RVA of Chronic Care of Richmond

At Chronic Care or Richmond & Weight Loss RVA, our mission is to support and encourage our community to live a healthy and active lifestyle. We launched the Weight Loss RVA wellness program this year to support our mission and change lives. Short Pump husband and wife, Kelly and Trish Gibbs, started Weight Loss RVA in mid-July and in just 60 days they lost a combined 88 pounds! How did they do it? Find out now!

Why did you decide to lose weight? What could you not do that you wanted to do?

We had become fairly sedentary during Covid and before we knew it we were buying larger clothes and feeling tired and bloated all of the time. As an orthopedic RN, Kelly was on his feet all day and his hips and knees became a constant source of chronic pain. Trish, who owns a local marketing consulting business, felt lethargic all the time, and her self confidence was at an all time low. She had tried Weight Watchers, Advocare, Isagenix, and more with limited success before giving up. The Gibbs’ were struggling to keep up with their active kids and live the active lifestyle they desired.

Why did you sign on with the Weight Loss RVA program?

There were several program elements that appealed to us, including the fact that we were eating real foods and the natural weight loss supplements which help suppress appetite and reset our metabolism. And, the ongoing coaching support from a health coach and specific guidance on not only what to eat, but also our specific struggles is what sets this program apart from the others. Plus, we were very excited about the opportunity to lose a half a pound to a pound a day. After trying several other programs and only losing seven or eight pounds in a month or starving ourselves, the Weight Loss RVA program was very appealing.

How long did it take for you to start seeing results?

The first result we saw was a reduction in inflammation in our entire bodies. Clothes started to feel better at the waistline, and we stopped feeling bloated and having stomach cramps. Within a week, Trish had lost eight pounds and Kelly had lost ten. Twenty-eight days in, Trish was down 20 pounds and Kelly was down 24. Friends and coworkers started noticing, and we dropped multiple inches in our arms, legs, waist and more! Clothes that we hadn’t worn in quite a while started fitting again, and we both had so much more energy to be active with our kids, and had more endurance during the workday. Plus, we both felt more focused and clear-headed. The entire process was so motivating that we were excited to get on the scale every day! After 60 days on the program Trish lost 40 pounds and Kelly lost 48 pounds. From there Trish went into maintenance mode and Kelly continued to lose — he is currently down about 50 pounds just shy of being on the plan for three months.

What kept you going when it got hard and pushed you?

We were very highly motivated throughout the process. The “reduction phase” lasts about 60 days, and what’s so great is that we were able to eat out occasionally — we were just selective in our choices. For example, we would select grilled chicken or fish over mixed greens and bring our own salad dressing or we’d replace the starch with double vegetables. Plus, we felt like we finally had a plan, a plan that we could stick to and a plan that worked! A plan we can come back to anytime we want to drop a few pounds, decrease inflammation, or just feel better!

What advice would you give someone considering losing weight?

If you have been frustrated with other programs like us, we would absolutely recommend going for a free consultation at Weight Loss RVA. This program has completely transformed our lives and the lives of our children. All of us are eating healthier and going out to eat much less. We are fitting into clothes we haven’t worn in years — it’s like getting an entire new wardrobe! Plus, our energy is high and joint pain is down. There’s no downside. It was an investment in our health that we are seeing returns on every day!

About Weight Loss RVA:

Schedule your free consultation at WeightLossRVA or call or text us at 804-740-7105. Our doctor-developed weight loss program is a specialized, custom metabolic reset designed to deliver your exact health, fitness, weight, size and goals. There is no required exercise, expensive pre-packaged foods, or starvation. Age, gender, or lifestyle do not matter; as long as you are to make a commitment to weight loss. With our program you eat real foods, there is no starvation, and your metabolic reset is supported with a natural and effective proprietary blend of supplements which act as an appetite suppressant and maximize fat burning. Plus, our professional health coaches and FDA approved weight loss app support you every step of the way to provide hands-on guidance and educate you on nutrition and lifestyle choices.

About Chronic Care of Richmond:

Chronic Care of Richmond was founded by Dr. Bryant Snyder, DC, BCIM, DAAIM. Dr. Snyder is a leader in the field of non-drug, nonsurgical approach to chronic pain. He has practiced in the Richmond, VA area for over 20 years. He and his experienced medical team, including a nurse practitioner, specialize in Metabolic Weight Loss, Non-Surgical Chronic Pain Relief, Peripheral Neuropathy Programs, and Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy.
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